Friday, March 26, 2010

Kyrgyzstan's President: human rights are not so important to him

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Kyrgyzstan's President decided confer with the people as «hereditary Manap»: human rights are not so important to him

Author: Elena Avdeeva


Speech of Kurmanbek Bakiyev at his nation's Kurultay of Consent shocked the world. All world media is making a noise: President of Kyrgyzstan said the democracy based on elections and human rights is not suitable for his country. Because these rights are selfish, and the election is just a clash of technological machines (?) Now we will have a "consultative” democracy, read - "concentable"! Such as Genghis Khan had. That's the man Bakiev himself is modestly comparing!

And yet - to Ormon Khan, “the hereditary Manap of Sarybagysh tribe.” Weak, hah? This is a hint: enough, to talk about those human rights! We’ll live as manaps use to live! Oh, not even a hint - pure and specific frankness! "With regard to human rights, and in this area, we are seeing some kind of one-sidedness. The rights of the individual considered in isolation from other people's rights, society and nature. Product of this approach is individualism and selfishness, which leads to the downfall of public morality and the ruin of nature. "

What more do you want? Is this someone does not agree with? Look - oh, look at that! Individualism of that person - namely, the youngest son of the president - has led the country to the ruins. As well as all human nature, because the decline of morality in his entourage had gone so far that we see there are moral monsters - like a mafia swindler Gourevitch (aka Bakiev’s financial consultant), or bitterly abusing vodka PM Usenov. I don’t even want to mention identities of the people of President’s Secretariat - not to smudge. They are never heard of "morals and ethics"…

But there is the right of president's son - to create such mess around him... And here is the no right to talk about all this mess to other people of Kyrgyzstan. Because the conversations in the line, - I mean by ordinary people, will be nothing more than a "sweeping overtones”. "Picky search in the actions of government for the tiniest failures, relentless carping" - that's what it is in the opinion of Kurmanbek Bakiyev... Little Man, the Kyrgyz people, have no right even to read bad things about the president's son and his company. And so they do not doubt in it, their lost the right to know about it - by blocking those media that speak of this "relentless carping.” “Nobody has a monopoly on the truth!" – said the president. But forgot to add: except me.

Why all this happening in Kyrgyzstan in such way, the head of state also told us “honestly”. There was no limit on the president’s candid in the Kurultai. He understands everything, our Kurmanbek Salievich, but can’t change anything. It is stronger than him! "Of course, it is very dangerous to break away from its roots and identity, but what to do with the fact that soaked with mother's milk nepotism, tribal and compatriotic connections became very real obstacle to the development of the country? - He shouted from the rostrum of Kurultai.

You see what his dilemma? Do you see how tormented Bakiev! Yes, he sees that his family became "an obstacle to the development of the country." But it's his own son! That relationship, "absorbed with his mother's milk!" So how can he break away from his "own roots"? What to do? What to do with such a "daunting" (but by Lenin’s "overarching"!) problem? "Can we save family and tribal values and at the same time to develop a state based on the idea of equality before the law - even in spite of the relationships?

Can! Of course, we can! Whole-we must not "confuse his personal coat with the state. Results You've got to make sure that "nepotism, ancestral connection" President nurtured them away from the state. You've got a son and brother - no words. But only at home - at home! Not at the state level. That's all.

But easier said than done. And because nothing Kurmanbek Salievich does. The question of "what to do?" It replaces the other - "who's to blame?". And the answer he seeks is already out of his family. Blame EVERYTHING! - Dead opposition gonoshisty and drunken Prime, indefatigable "blanket" press vorovitye officials are not places. Some third force - especially those to blame! And the same - the nature, weather, global climate change, the secret machinations of the aliens ...

Well, in short, to blame for everything. In the president's family ... Here it turns out that "family ties and corruption entangle us hand and foot. Not ours, though, communication - presidential. But they are going beyond criticism. They are given to us by nature - not otherwise ...

Yes, can not choose your relatives. Especially relatives of the president. Although ... now in Kyrgyzstan, apparently, will not choose even the president himself. That is, the popularly choose. Because these people - just as he said Kurmanbek Bakiyev - "processing technologies electorate. Also be honest! Once it tried its technology, sent by the Americans, in the course of the last elections "to handle the electorate"! We tried unprofessional, but very aggressive. Even the president himself said that "millions of dollars wasted money. Why? All the same, "is the devaluation of the electoral system." It was enough just to use administrative resources - and the whole country would be chosen as president again.

So the elections as such - the normal democratic elections are no longer needed at all. They are no more than "the shortcomings of last century model of democracy, based mainly on elections and human rights. But, unfortunately, today there is no assurance that such a model occurred by the way "- so says Kurmanbek Bakiyev. Therefore Kyrgyzstan enough merely "advisory" elections. We have the country's Presidential meeting? Eat! You never know what is not legitimized by the Constitution! Who is now in Kyrgyzstan in general looks at this Constitution? Who is it respected? Even the Constitutional Court and he is not looking and did not comply. Only "Confer". The President. Can he make such and such and such a verdict? If the president says "can!" - He makes.

So recently, the President said that the need in the country to introduce such a model that would "have to the way" of his relatives. His successors. And appeared - without any of the Constitution now is the most Presidential meeting. It will choose the next president. Enough of the country and a democracy!

If someone is missing - that is still Kurultay agree. Here too there full democracy. Then "we started to build a communication platform (as well as the same without pads! - Aut.) Dialogue with different social groups in accordance with the ideology of the Course of the President to update the country."

Ideology Course President - if you speak the language of normal and without any "communication platforms" - is reduced to the transfer of power in the country inherited. That's all. For this nakrucheny all these "sites", "meeting", "Debtors" - where all are chosen so that all were agreed. And if someone does not agree - that there and there!

"By the way, and express my opinion on the question of why in a general meeting there a number of opposition members" - decided the president. I have spoken. And of course again in the spirit of that opposition itself to blame. But why did he say that? Who said? Yet know, all seen with our eyes, what a pathetic bunch of this opposition, the police rounded up on the porch of the Philharmonia. In order, therefore, not only for themselves - that their spirit was not on kurultai! ... But, probably, the police first "conferred" democratically: Does it not violate human rights, if rounded up? I decided that it was not. What is man? - This is Why the opposition! So it has no right oshivatsya Kurultai on the porch, where everyone has long agreed without them ...

I do not know was whether the opposition of Genghis Khan. Did he press, which tried to indiscriminately engage in carping. I do not know, I dare someone to say it all: "Genghis Khan, you're wrong!" Probably not. Otherwise, in the best traditions of the tribal "deliberative democracy" such renegades simply cooked on the fire. In order not climbed with their human rights across the Khan's monopoly on the truth ... But Kurmanbek Bakiyev do not Genghis Khan! That's the chip! He did not even Ormon Khan. Because the tribe sarbagyshey he belongs - as I understand it. And, sorry, do not manapskogo kind.

Then, let me ask, where is the desire to be like them? What connection? It seems to be not her "mother's milk absorbed" ... a riddle.

Well, all right. Let it be Khan and manaps! We do not mind. We agreed. Although all Kurultai, even without him. Where we hold your hand if you do not want to be behind bars as a pathetic handful of opposition ... But if so - why would "squander millions of dollars means"? Why spend the money and the already impoverished state by any such assembly, meeting? Why pretend that we have democracy? For whom all this window dressing? All agree to do without her. Without any pseudo-democracy in general ... Oh, this is for the world community? For it is thought that Kyrgyzstan - a democratic state, and not some kind of medieval khanate ...

So it is, is a community that still understand it as it really is, and not, as he explains. Today it is just in shock. Kurmanbek Bakiyev quotes the whole world - all these remarks about his family and clan ties, about his deliberative democracy in chingizhanovski. So is it worth trying? What it is in the end - is the international community? It is not our president decree! This train is clear. You never know what it needs to end the blockade of independent media! Needless our power to specify what to do! With him not consulted - with all sorts of OSCE, diplomats, embassies ...

And they will not not be - neither our president nor his entourage to ask the international community that they do! Because said at kurultai Kurmanbek Bakiyev "we have succeeded in turning our international relations to the benefit of their national interests" ...

How did they do it - is the next topic. As most rasposlednie egoists and individualists we have human rights to freedom of speech still use. Not in isolation from the rights of other people and society to know the truth - and in accordance with them! Because one person - whether he is even though the country's president, though his favorite son "there is no monopoly on the truth!"

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